Understanding Dental Bridges

Dental bridges consist of custom-made false teeth, or pontics, tailored to fit comfortably in your mouth. These are securely anchored on either side by crowns attached to your existing teeth or implants. Beyond just filling the gaps left by missing teeth, dental bridges help maintain the natural alignment of your remaining teeth, preserving the overall integrity of your oral structure and bite, and enhancing your daily oral functionality.

Types of Dental Bridges

Traditional Bridges

The most common type, involving crowns for the teeth on either side of the gap with a pontic in between.

Cantilever Bridges

Used when there are adjacent teeth on only one side of the missing tooth or teeth.

Implant-Supported Bridges

Supported by dental implants, these bridges are a robust solution for multiple missing teeth.

Maryland Bridges

Consist of a pontic held in place by a metal or porcelain framework, bonded onto the backs of two adjacent teeth.

Benefits of Choosing Dental Bridges

Enhanced Smile and Confidence

Dental bridges restore gaps in your smile, improving appearance and boosting self-esteem, and positively impacting social interactions.

Improved Speech and Chewing Functionality

They enhance clear speech and efficient chewing, directly improving daily comfort and quality of life.

Long-Term Solutions

Bridges maintain facial structure, ensure an even bite, and with proper care, offer a durable solution for many years, supporting overall oral health and wellbeing.

The Dental Bridge Process

Consultation and Planning

Our team evaluates your oral health and discusses the best bridge option for you.

Preparation of Teeth

Adjacent teeth are prepared for crown placement.

Impressions and Bridge Fabrication

We take precise impressions of your teeth to create a custom-fit bridge.

Temporary Bridge Placement

A temporary bridge is placed while your permanent bridge is crafted.

Fitting of Permanent Bridge

Your custom bridge is fitted, adjusted, and cemented into place, ensuring comfort and a natural look.

Follow-Up Care

We schedule follow-up visits to ensure your satisfaction and comfort with your new bridge.

Caring for Your Dental Bridge

Proper care is essential for the longevity of your dental bridge:

  • Regular Cleaning: Brush twice daily and floss under and around the bridge.

  • Routine Check-Ups: Regular dental check-ups and cleanings are crucial.

  • Avoid Hard Foods: To prevent damage, avoid chewing hard foods directly with the bridge.

  • Healthy Diet: Maintain a balanced diet for overall oral health.


How long do dental bridges last?

Our dental bridges are crafted for longevity, typically serving patients well for many years. The durability of these bridges relies on factors like type, material quality, adjacent teeth and gum health, and diligent oral care. We emphasise following our tailored care recommendations to ensure your bridge maximises its functional and aesthetic benefits for years to come.

Will my dental bridge look natural?

Yes, bridges are designed to match the colour and shape of your natural teeth for a seamless appearance.

Can I eat normally with a dental bridge?

After a brief adjustment period, you can eat normally. Start with softer foods and gradually reintroduce your regular diet.

At Affordable Dental, we are committed to providing you with a comfortable and successful dental implant experience. Our team is here to guide you through each step, ensuring you're fully informed and at ease. Book a consultation today to take the first step towards restoring your smile with confidence.