Transform your smile with professional teeth whitening

Opalescence Teeth Whitening

At Affordable Dental, our dedicated team of dental professionals is committed to helping you achieve a brighter, more confident smile through our advanced teeth whitening services. Using state-of-the-art technology and the highest quality materials, we provide both in-chair and at-home teeth whitening options to suit your lifestyle and needs.

Opalescence Teeth Whitening Experience

Initial Consultation and Dental Scan

Begin your teeth whitening journey with a comprehensive dental examination to ensure optimal oral health. Our experts will take a digital scan of your teeth, crucial for customising your treatment plan.

Receiving Your High-Quality Whitening Agent

Experience the difference with our premium Opalescence teeth whitening agents, renowned for their effectiveness and safety. We'll provide you with the perfect solution to achieve your desired results.

Applying the Whitening Agent

For just 7 to 10 days, all you need to do is place the prescribed amount of bleaching agent on the trays and gently insert them into your mouth. It's a straightforward process that can easily be incorporated into your daily routine.

Noticeable Improvement

Our Home Whitening System is designed to work gradually. You'll notice a significant improvement in the whiteness of your teeth over the course of the treatment.

Why Choose Professional Teeth Whitening?

Safety and Expertise

Trust your smile to our qualified dentists at Affordable Dental, who use their expertise to safely brighten your teeth. Remember, only a dentist can assess the health of your teeth and gums, ensuring that the whitening treatment is safe and effective for you​​.

Customised Solutions

Each smile is unique, and so is our approach to teeth whitening. We tailor our treatments to your specific needs, ensuring the best possible results while maintaining the health and integrity of your teeth​​.

Lasting Results

Professional teeth whitening offers longer-lasting results compared to over-the-counter products. With proper care, you can enjoy a brighter smile for an extended period.

Preparing for Your Teeth Whitening Treatment

Ensure Oral Health

Before undergoing teeth whitening, it's essential to have a healthy mouth. Conditions like tooth decay or gum disease should be addressed beforehand to avoid complications during the whitening process.

Understanding Your Needs

If you have restorations like fillings or crowns, it's important to note that these will not respond to whitening treatments. Our team can advise you on the best course of action to achieve a uniform smile.

Lifestyle Considerations

Factors such as diet, smoking, and medication can affect the colour of your teeth. Understanding these factors helps us provide a more effective treatment plan​​.

Aftercare and Maintenance

Diet and Lifestyle

To maintain the results of your teeth whitening treatment, be mindful of consuming staining substances like coffee, tea, or red wine. Regular dental cleanings can help remove surface stains and keep your smile bright.

Touch-up Treatments

Depending on your lifestyle and oral hygiene, you may require periodic touch-up treatments to maintain your desired level of whiteness.

FAQs About Teeth Whitening

Is teeth whitening safe?

When performed by professionals, teeth whitening is a safe and effective way to brighten your smile.

How long does the effect of teeth whitening last?

The longevity of your teeth whitening results depends on your oral care routine and lifestyle habits.

Will teeth whitening cause sensitivity?

Some patients may experience temporary sensitivity, which typically subsides shortly after the treatment.

Ready to Brighten Your Smile?

If you're considering teeth whitening, Affordable Dental is here to guide you every step of the way. Contact us today to schedule your consultation and take the first step towards a more radiant smile!