Restore your smile long term

Benefits of Dental Implants

At Affordable Dental, we specialise in providing exceptional dental implants, a transformative solution for those who have lost one or multiple teeth. These implants act as robust, natural-looking roots and are capped with crowns for a seamless integration with your natural smile.

Confidence with Every Smile

Enjoy absolute stability as dental implants stay firmly in place, eliminating the worry of slipping dentures.

Jawbone Health Preservation

Dental implants stimulate and maintain jawbone density, preventing the sunken facial appearance associated with tooth loss.

Hassle-Free Dental Care

Our dental implants offer convenience, requiring no adhesives or adjustments to adjacent teeth, simplifying your dental care routine.

Before the Procedure: What to Consider

Expert Consultation

Begin with a detailed assessment from our experienced oral surgeons to discuss your suitability and treatment options.

Pre-Surgical Care

Preparing for surgery involves maintaining good oral hygiene, eating a healthy diet, and avoiding smoking or alcohol.

Understanding Risks

Potential risks such as infection, nerve damage, or implant rejection, will be explained so that you have a clear understanding and peace of mind before proceeding with your dental implant procedure.

The Dental Implant Procedure

Our skilled team ensures a smooth and precise implant process, which includes:

Comprehensive Oral Examination

A thorough review of your dental and medical history, along with X-rays or a CT scan of your jawbone.

Personalised Treatment Planning

Tailoring the procedure to your specific needs, including choosing the right type of implant.

Immediate Post-Operative Care

Manage swelling with cold compresses, avoid hot drinks and foods immediately after surgery, adhere to a soft food diet, and avoid vigorous brushing near the implant area.

Long-Term Maintenance

Like natural teeth, implants require regular brushing with a soft-bristled toothbrush, flossing, and routine dental check-ups.

Aftercare for Optimal Results

Recovery and Healing

Typical Recovery Experience

Post-surgery, some swelling, bruising, and discomfort are normal. Follow our guided aftercare plan for a smooth recovery.

Regular Dental Visits

We recommend dental check-ups every three months to monitor your implants and ensure their longevity.


Can I Resume Normal Activities Immediately?

It's best to avoid strenuous activities immediately after the procedure.

How Long is the Recovery Period?

Recovery varies from 3 to 6 months, depending on individual factors and the surgery's complexity.

Is Special Care Needed for Dental Implants?

Dental implants require similar care to natural teeth, including regular brushing and dental visits.

Can I Receive Teeth on the Same Day as My Implant Surgery?

Yes, immediate temporary teeth can be provided on the day of surgery after careful planning. The final, permanent teeth will be fitted a few months later, once your implants have fully integrated with the bone.

Will I Experience Pain or Discomfort After the Surgery?

To ensure your comfort, pain medication will be prescribed during your implant placement appointment. Our dental team will also guide you on additional measures like using cold packs and taking adequate rest to minimise discomfort.

What Material Are the Temporary Teeth Made Of?

The temporary teeth you'll receive initially are crafted from durable acrylic. They're designed to look attractive and serve you well until your implants are fully healed and ready for the final bridge.

What Materials Are Used for the Final Bridge?

The final bridge is typically made from porcelain or acrylic, often reinforced with titanium for a combination of strength and lightness, ensuring durability and comfort.

How Soon Can I Begin Implant Treatment?

At Affordable Dental, we prioritise your dental needs. You can expect your initial consultation within a few days of your enquiry. If you're a suitable candidate, the surgical procedure can usually be scheduled within a week or two from your consultation.

At Affordable Dental, we are committed to providing you with a comfortable and successful dental implant experience. Our team is here to guide you through each step, ensuring you're fully informed and at ease. Book a consultation today to take the first step towards restoring your smile with confidence.